East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Open call for Nowy Teatr Summer Camp + scholarships and mobility funding (Warsaw, Poland)


Deadline: April 21, 2019


DATES & LOCATION: July 14-28, 2019 Warsaw, POLAND (15 days in total)
FOR WHOM: artists under 30 years of age


NOWY TEATR is announcing an open-call for SUMMER CAMP, a two-week International Interdisciplinary Academy which aims to attract young artists and encourage them to share their knowledge. The summer camp will be a place for the exchange of ideas and experiences, a dedicated space to spend time together, an opportunity for artists and participants to mingle, network, enrich, and support one another. The programme will be a balanced mixture of practice, learning, and discovery.

Participants of the Academy, supported by the artists leading the workshops, will practice, explore the city, discuss, conduct research, and learn from each other.

The Academy is designed for young professionals (under 30) from all over the world. Participants can sign up for workshops via the "open call". There will be approximately 12 participants in each workshop. Each participant may only choose 1 workshop. Each workshop is overseen by two artists (one from Poland and one international artist). Attendance is required for the entire workshop. The workshops will be held in English, so the applicants should be able to communicate fluently.



VISUAL ART & SOCIAL JUSTICE Joanna Rajkowska & Jean-Michel Bruyère
MOVEMENT Marta Ziółek & nora chipaumire



  • 15 days of cultural activities & 10 days of intensive practical & theoretical workshops in movement, visual art/social justice and devising theatre/ca 4-6 hours a day
  • performances (“Imaginary Europe” by Anna Smolar , “#PUNK” by Nora Chipaumire, “Make yourself” by Marta Ziółek)
  • evening lectures by guest lecturers /city walks guided by Centrala/identification workshops by Noviki

ELIGIBILITY: Open call from 5 to 21 April 2019: www.nowyteatr.org
FEE: No application fee, course fee – 300 euros.
TO COVER: accommodation (information about possible accommodation further down), flights,
course fee



  1. Fill in the electronic application form in English: https://summercampwarsaw.typeform.com/to/JUMYXJ
  2. Attach your resume (500 words maximum) & provide us with the link to your online portfolio/website etc.

The application should be submitted by 21 April 2019 (23.59 CET)
The results will be announced by 30 April 2019


All applications will be evaluated by a board of arts professionals based on the following criteria:

  • Participant's experience in the artistic field
  • Relevance of your artistic profile to the main idea and purpose of the Academy
  • Demonstration of an active commitment to engage in the workshops and dialogue with peers
  • Benefit to the applicant (at the present point in their career) from interaction with the artists leading the workshops and the other participants
  • The applicant's ability to meet cross-cultural challenges successfully

If you have any questions before submitting your application please contact us via email: [email protected]


Financial support:
If you need help to cover the participation fee please mention it in the application and provide a short explanation.
We will provide 10 scholarships (exemption from the participation fee) to those who apply for financial aid.

Moreover, in April the i-Portunus programme will be announcing a call for support for the mobility of selected artists and culture professionals (they can cover the workshop fee as well as travel & accommodation costs): https://www.i-portunus.eu/


Find out more at www.nowyteatr.org and in the PDF included below.





