East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Platform: East European Performing Arts Companion - a publication by EEPAP


We are proud to present our ambitious project, a publication containing 36 articles focusing on theatre in EEPAP countries.

Platform: East European Performing Arts Companion  – was written by thirty seven authors from twelve countries and is the effect of years of cooperation between theatre theorists, critics and historians from Central and Eastern European Countries. Three grand topics - national theatre, independent theatre and archives – have allowed us to discuss questions concerning both the common historical experience and the organization of theatre life, as well as an incomparably broader topic: does there exist something like a Central European identity? We treat this book as a real platform for discussion and exchange of experiences, which allows a reflective approach to the past and a critical approach to the present - due to theatre and through the perspective of theatre.


The book was presented  during the launch of EEPAP Performative Centre during the 21st edition of the Theatre Confrontations Festival in Lublin, Poland.




You can download the book here (in ePUB, MOBI and PDF formats):



